British 20th Anniversary
Escrito por MARTA PÉREZ DOMÍNGUEZ, viernes 1 de julio de 2016 , 12:21 hs , en CONVENIO MEC/BRITISH/JCYL




Este año hemos estado de cumple: 20 años desde la puesta en marcha de nuestro proyecto bilingüe. Para conmemorarlo, hemos realizado distintas actividades a lo largo del año.


En el primer trimestre, nuestra visita anual al teatro para ver una obra en inglés, estilo “Pantomime”. En el segundo trimestre, fue todo un honor poder recibir al equipo de “Peace Run”. En el tercer trimestre, jugamos al ajedrez con Shakespeare, investigamos la historia del proyecto y hasta los más pequeños de Infantil disfrutaron del espectáculo como protagonistas en su propio “English Festival”.  Muchos de los alumnos mayores participaron en “The Big Birthday Banner Competition” y durante el mes de junio, tanto el colegio como el patio, con ayuda de los padres, se vistió de “gala”. Finalmente, el día 17 de junio se celebró un acto conmemorativo en el patio para así ponerle la guinda a nuestra muy especial tarta de cumpleaños.


Aquí os dejamos un pequeño video como recuerdo de la gran fiesta.


Many thanks to all involved


 Christine Gollings


Coordinator of Bilingual Project 2016






En este curso que termina, queremos compartir con la comunidad educativa del CEIP Quevedo, la celebración del XX aniversario del proyecto bilingüe (Convenio MEC-British Council) que tantos éxitos ha cosechado para nuestro colegio y nuestros alumnos.


En el curso 96/97 nuestro centro quedó adscrito a dicho Convenio, por el que apostaron aquel claustro de profesores, aquel equipo directivo y aquel consejo escolar, a quienes no podemos olvidar, ya que con gran motivación y entusiasmo se embarcaron en esta magnífica experiencia. A ellos nuestras primeras palabras de agradecimiento. También a las familias que se unieron a dicha iniciativa con tanta ilusión y tantas expectativas. Estamos convencidos de que no les hemos defraudado.


Dicho proyecto ha sido pionero en España y en Europa en el aprendizaje integrado de contenidos en lengua inglesa. A lo largo de estos veinte años, ha pasado por diferentes etapas y ha sufrido algunas modificaciones, para adaptarse a nuevas circunstancias, a nuevas metodologías o  a la normativa vigente.


Estamos convencidos de que este proyecto bilingüe no solo capacita a nuestros alumnos para obtener un buen nivel de competencia lingüística, sino que les proporciona una visión global del mundo y un enfoque multicultural, que les va a permitir afrontar su futuro en condiciones más ventajosas.


Hoy nos toca celebrar este momento y brindar por este veinte aniversario, orgullosos de nuestro centro, de nuestro proyecto y de nuestra labor educativa por una escuela pública de calidad de todos y para todos.





Hello, good morning, our names are Sara, Daniel, Iria and Marcos. We are students of 6th grade at Quevedo School. Today we are all gathered to commemorate the 20 years of the Convenio MEC British Council Bilingual Project at Quevedo school.  For me and my peers it is a great honor to be here with you in celebrating this important date.


Turn of Daniel:

For me this date does not only commemorate the 20th anniversary of the British Council Bilingual Project beginning in the school CEIP Quevedo, it also commemorates 20 years of the best  bilingual education for hundreds  of children that have gone throughout this school. For me it is a great honor to can go to a school that have links to the British Council. Because the sign of the British Council is not only a prize awarded because yes, it is a sign representing that this school has a different scheduling to other centers for students to receive more hours of classes in English, thus making that students be specialized in this language. We do not realize what they do for us the people that make up the British Council and I would like to thank them for everything they do for us that the next year this center will continue working closely with the British Council. However, there is a big disadvantage for people who enroll their children to a school that has the sign of the British Council, is that people who do this think that if you enroll your children to a school with this sign their children will be geniuses of English but the reality is that despite their children having the best teachers and the best bilingual project if their children do not study, they will not learn English.


 Finally I would like to thank the effort that have done all the teachers of this school for teaching us and for enduring us all these years.




 Turn of Sara:

The first of February of 1996 was signed the agreement  between the Education and Science  Ministry and the British Council.


In Quevedo school this bilingual education starts from the three years in primary child, then continuous in primary (1º,6º) and then in the program in IES Eras deRenueva.


Spanish teachers of English and British teachers are responsible for carrying out this project.


This system teaches English studying different  subjects in this language. Also are organized activities, for example: theatrical representations, Halloween, Easter, English Festivals…


As they advance the years in this school we dominate English by the teaching, based on oral communications that allows us to have a conversation with our teachers.


For me this system is a good method for adquiring a good level of English and also know the culture and customs English.




 Turn of Marcos:

In my opinion I think that the British Council is one of the best bilingual programs that this school might have either by their nativeBritish teachers or their simple and effective way to teach students. I thought that these school is very very lucky to be joined to the British Council.


Now I will tell you eight arguments to convince you that the British Council is the best bilingual program, so let´s start:


1. They have the best native British teachers


2. Support any human being without judger of their color, gender or sexual orientation.


3. With this program different native British teachers give us the topics of natural and social sciences in English as part of the subject of English clearly


4. Thanks to British Council we are able to read different texts on various topics in English


5. Native British teachers are aware of the new teaching formulas


6. They not only know English to perfection but also the Spanish and other languages.


7. All native British teachers have special training thanks to the training centers of the British Council


8. Learning English by the British Council allows us not only know the language but provides us with the possibility of finding work in the future as we communicate in different countries of the world





 Turn of Iria:

My mother belongs to the first group of students who began with English in primary school when they were studying. I think that was the reason to choose a British program for their children and I am very happy to be so.


The British program has allowed me to learn another language easily from three years because in my school started from childhood education to study English a few hours a day. That´s why I´m able to speak English without shame. It also allows me to evaluate my knowledge of English with the British tests done at the end of 6th grade. I have been fortunate to have native British teachers who have taught me and made me think in English. Their way of teaching is different from Spanish teachers and sometimes there is almost no need to study for exams as they are always repeating the important things for us.


I think the British Program is a very good idea for children because it makes you see English as part of your own language and not as something very difficult to learn. Speaking and using a second language at school is very important today, as you will need English in different situations in your life and in your future university studies.


Besides, now I can learn and sing English songs quickly and it helps me when I practice basketball with a new coach in my club because she is German and she speaks only English.


That´s why I think this program is very positive for me.








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